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Writer's pictureAndréa Marcellé

Merci beaucoup, Maison Marcellé is 2!

Updated: Feb 8, 2020

Two years ago, on Halloween, we opened the doors to Maison Marcellé. Two years! Time sure flies when you’re having fun. As fate would have it, this Halloween, we will visit RVN-TV studios to film an episode of Renaissance Living with host and lifestyle expert, Denise Pereau. How do you say “I’m so excited I could tinkle!” en Français? We couldn’t be more flattered that this global fashion leader and style guru has invited us to introduce the Maison Marcellé Magic to her viewers. Thanks for your patience as we have a delayed opening on the 31st. We promise to share the episode with you as soon as it airs.

As our two year anniversaire approaches, I’ve been thinking back to the early days of Maison Marcellé. As you may imagine, the weeks leading up to the Grand Opening were, well… emotional. After long days spent assembling garment racks and hanging shelves, designing business cards and watching “how to rewire a vintage chandelier” videos on YouTube, I would lie awake all night contemplating “What in the world am I doing? Is this going to work? Should the sign be bleu? Should the champagne be pink? Will anyone actually come?” 

Having spent 30 years in an Executive Sales career, I had some experience in forecasting outcomes… anticipating results… preparing for the unknown. So naturally, I pondered EVERYTHING. As an eternal optimist, I boldly expected goodness. But there was one thing that never, not once, during any of those sleepless nights, did I anticipate. YOU!  My clients. My friends. My Maison Marcellé familie. I never imagined the beautiful souls who would walk into the boutique... and into my life. You’ve celebrated our victories. You’ve encouraged us through our hiccups.You’ve shared your wedding dreams and your Paris pics. You’ve introduced your friends from around the world and the babies that we dressed as a bump. You’ve made me the caretaker of your loved ones' vintage hat collections. You’ve popped in with warm lunch on cold, rainy days. You’ve invited me into your loving homes and into your generous hearts.  And in doing all of this, you’ve made me more grateful for each day than I’ve been in my life. Merci!

So, let’s celebrate our friendship, mes cheries! Please join my family and I as we raise a glass in celebration of style, elegance and YOU! Enjoy champagne, canapé, your exclusive “once a year only” 20% discount and pretty please, don’t leave without your thoughtfully chosen gift.

Kindly RSVP to so that we can chill plenty of champagne. This is going to be one bubbly Private Client Appreciation Soirée.

A bientôt,

Your Maison Marcellé Team

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